Thursday, December 20, 2007
Urban sustainability
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The EU needs it own “roadmap” towards Copenhagen, making sure that the EU not only upholds but strengthens its position as the world leader in progressive and innovative climate policies. This means including all aspects of sustainable use of energy, such as energy for development, fair mechanisms of technology transfer, and decent work. This requires that the European Union is unanimous and strong in its positions.
The EU should use its diplomacy, political cooperation and bilateral mechanisms to make certain that developing countries,
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and similar tools have to be further developed so that by 2009 they can be more broadly applied than today. This is particularly important in the buildings and construction sector, which uses 30-40% of all energy and has huge emissions savings potential, which can be implemented with existing technologies.
Indeed, if there is to be a title for the Copenhagen 2009 conference, it should be A Better Built Environment for All, which would encompass the aspects of mobility, buildings, construction, infrastructure, public services and information and communication. The implementation of this target would bring together the private and the public sector, both federal, national and local governments, and civil society organizations.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Buildings and construction are responsible for on average 40% of the total energy consumption. During the whole life span of buildings, the energy is mainly used for heating, cooling, lighting, hot water production and powering of appliances. Part is also used for building materials production, construction and demolition. The energy required for logistics and mobility in the built environment is not included in these figures.
The potential of the buildings and construction sector to drastically reduce global emissions of greenhouse gases is technically proven but poorly known, and frequently not supported by existing policies and market signals.
This is the urgent concern that is shared both by governments all over the world, and by construction industry and real estate business. In
Ø How can CDM and other “
Ø What are the steps needed to substantially reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and construction?
In joint effort, representatives of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Marrakech Task Force on
For more information, please get in touch with
- Kaarin Taipale, Chair of the Marrakech Task Force on
- Niclas Svenningsen, Coordinator, UNEP Sustainable Buildings and Construction Initiative,
- Christian Kornevall, Project Director, Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EEB), World Business Council for Sustainable Development;